Mini workshop of Harmonic Analysis
|埼玉大学理学部1号館 基礎数理演習室 (3階) 1337号室
講演者 10:30 --12:00 Sanghyuk Lee氏 Unique continuation for the heat operator with potentials in weak spaces 13:30 -- 15:00 Po-Lam Yung氏 Hardy spaces for Fourier integral operators 15:30 -- 16:00 鈴木聡一郎氏 Optimal constants of smoothing estimates for Dirac equations

2025年1月13日 10:30 – 16:30
埼玉大学理学部1号館 基礎数理演習室 (3階) 1337号室, 日本、〒338-0825 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保 理学部1号館
Lee 先生からアブストラクトをいただきました.
This talk concerns the strong unique continuation property for the differential inequality
\[|(\partial_t +\Delta)u(x,t)|\le V(x,t)|u(x,t)|,\]
where the potential $V$ belongs to suitable function spaces. In particular, we establish the strong unique continuation property for
$V\in L^\infty_t L^{d/2,\infty}_x$, which has remained open since the earlier works of Escauriaza and Escauriaza--Vega.
Our results are consequences of the Carleman estimates for the heat operator in the Lorentz spaces, which in turn are built on the spectral projection estimates for the Hermite operator.